We are a company that provides/resells Premium WordPress themes and plugins for web development and WordPress CMS design.
Note: We are neither affiliated nor related to any third-party developers or trademark owners.
Why choose us?
- Prices as low as INR 399 or $4.99
- Over 11,000+ Products
- Get multiple products with our Membership plans at dirt-cheap prices
- Original Purchase without malware, viruses, or advertising
- Unlimited domain/Website usage
- Unlimited downloads with our Membership plans
- 1 year of free future updates with all our products
- We frequently update products and add new products that are hard to find elsewhere!
- Expert Support: 24/7 Live chat support
- Providing Premium WordPress themes and plugins since 2019
- Have over 30000+ customers and 5000+ active subscribed members!
Need any kind of help or have any queries?
Contact us via our live chat support or email us at contact@gpladda.in