Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro + All Addons
Modern Events Calendar has been created according to trending design methods and the latest technology with an attractive design based on a practical concept of design.
We gathered all features of the event calendar as you desire with the advanced booking system and many other useful options which are practical in the real world!
This Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Package Includes:
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Advanced Importer
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Advanced Location
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Advanced MAP
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Advanced Organizer
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Advanced Reports
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Advanced Speaker
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Buddyboss
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Divi Single Builder
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Event API
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Fluent Layouts
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Form Builder
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Invoice
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Multisite Event Sync
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Shortcode Builder
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Shortcode Designer
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Single Builder
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro User Dashboard
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Virtual Events
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Waiting List
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Woocommerce
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Zapier
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Zoom Integration
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro RSVP Events
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Fluent-view Layouts
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Square Payment
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Gutenberg Single Builder
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Seat
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Webex Integration
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Elementor FES Builder
- Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Social Auto Poster
Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro Features
- Add event image
- Location Maps
- Single-day events
- Multiple day events
- You can create events that hold more than 1 day
- Ability to create all-day events
- Add to Google Calendar feature
- Add to iCal, Outlook, etc. by downloading the .ics file
- Advanced event locations system
- Advanced event organizer system
- Ability to insert images for locations and organizers
- Ability to tag events
- Ability to categorise events in unlimited categories
- Repeating events
- Ability to create daily events
- Ability to create weekly events
- Ability to create monthly events
- Ability to create yearly events
- Ability to repeat events on weekdays and weekends
- Ability to set custom intervals for events.
- Never end events
- Ability to create never end events
- Ability to set a certain date for event finish
- Ability to finish an event after certain repeats
- Event Countdown
- Simple and Advanced Google Maps direction feature
- Shortcode creator interface
- Advanced filtering options for shortcode creator
- Dynamic event labels
- Ability to hide past events in shortcodes
- Ability to insert custom CSS in settings
- Ability to show only featured events
- Smooth Month navigation
- More than 10 different map styles for Google Maps
- Ability to export all events from the WP backend
- Support comment form on the single event page
- Translation Ready
- English and Spanish language support
Display Options
- Font Awesome icons
- Multiple colour skins
- Ability to select custom colours
- Monthly/Calendar view
- Weekly View
- Daily View
- List/Grid views
- Map view
- Show events on Google Maps based on their location
- RTL support
- Custom colours for events
- Ability to create various kinds of tickets
- Ability to set a limit on total bookings
- Ability to set a limit for certain tickets
- Ability to create free tickets
- Add custom fields to the booking form
- Global Tax/Fee creation system
- Ability to create certain fees for each event
- Coupons and Discount manager
- Ability to disable coupons feature
- Advanced currency options
- Implemented 3 payment methods
- Pay locally
- PayPal Express
- PayPal Credit Card
- Ability to enable/disable payment methods
- Send different notifications to the booker/admin
- Booking notification for booker/attendee
- Booking notification for admin
- Booking verification to attendee
- Booking confirmation by admin to attendee
- Ability to automatically verify free and/or paid bookings
- Ability to completely disable the booking feature if you don’t want to use it.
- CSV export option for bookings
- MS Excel export option for bookings
- WPML ready
- WordPress Multisite ready
- Visual Composer addon
- Cache plugins compatibility
- SEO plugins compatibility
- Completely developer-friendly
- Ability to override archive and single pages in a theme
- Ability to override skin files in a theme
- Ability to filter plugin options using the WordPress filtering system
- Ability to fire custom functions using WordPress actions API
Bold Features
- WooCommerce Payment Integration
- Stripe Payment Integration
- Mailchimp Integration
- BuddyPress Integration
- Archive Page Skin
- Single and Multiple day events
- Advanced Google Maps
- Import events from Google Calendar
- Export filtered events into CSV, MS Excel, JSON and XML formats
- Exceptional Days
- Google Recaptcha
- Hourly Schedule
- Available Widget in all Sidebar
- Matching Shortcode and Widget
- Matching Shortcode and Visual Composer
- Custom CSS
- Advanced categorizing and filtering options
- Event note for frontend event submission
- Frontend Event Submission
- Notifications
- Recurring/Repeating events
- Next Event Module
- Shortcode Creator
- Auto verification ( Email & Booking )
- Taxes / Fees
- Multiple colour skins
- Slider View
- Cover View
- Countdown View
- Carousel View
- Monthly/Calendar View
- Weekly View
- Daily View
- List/Grid View
- Map View
- RTL support
- Booking
- Advanced Tax/Fee system
- Multiple Tickets system
- event submission by guest (Not logged-in) users
- Event Details/Single Event Page
- Coupons/Discount system
- PayPal Integration
- Multisite Ready
- WPML Ready
- SEO ready
- Developer friendly
- Choose Weekends
- Create Booking Form
- Group language completed
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