Max Mega Menu Pro Addon – WordPress Navigation Menu Plugin
Max Mega Menu is an easy to use Mega Menu Plugin For WordPress. Add interactive elements: Organise your site content by adding images, icons, maps or any other WordPress widget to your navigation. | Use with your existing theme: Automatically replace your existing theme menu, or use a Widget, Shortcode or PHP function to display your menus. Easy Drag & Drop editing: Create Mega Menus the WordPress way. Build your mega menus using the familiar WordPress menu interface.
Max Mega Menu Pro Plugin Features
- Builds upon the standard WordPress menus system
- Restores the Appearance > Menus screen in “full site editing” themes
- Supports multiple menu locations each with their own configuration
- Off canvas (slide in from left or right) or standard drop down mobile menu
- Organise your sub menu content into rows and columns using the Grid Layout builder
- Display WordPress Widgets in your menu
- Fully customise the styling of your menus using the built in theme editor
- Supports Flyout (traditional) or Mega Menu sub menu styles
- Hover, Hover Intent or Click event to open sub menus
- Fade, Fade Up, Slide Up or Slide sub menu transitions
- Add icons to menu items
- Menu item options including Hide Text, Disable Link, Hide on Mobile etc
- Align menu items to the left or right of the menu bar
- Align sub menus to left or right of parent menu item
- Display your menu using Automatic Integration, Block, Widget or Shortcode.
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