CouponXL – Coupons, Deals & Discounts WP Theme
CouponXL is the complete deals, discounts, and coupons WordPress theme. It is specialized in selling deals, discounts, and coupons online.
CouponXL WordPress Theme is fully responsive, SEO optimized, followed the latest web technologies based on Bootstrap framework, clean code, and fast light speed. Protect your clients and their business from being overloaded with many unhappy customers. With CouponXL, your customers can choose between time left deals and deals number of items left.
CouponXL WordPress Theme Features
- Coupons, Deals or Both
- Perfect For Affiliates
- Fixed or Percent Submit Fee
- Mega Menu Supported
- Website & Store Offers
- Advertising Allowed
- Stores or Deals Geolocation & Map
- Payment Gateway
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