WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager + Addons
WooCommerce Frontend Manager Ultimate is the smartest woocommerce frontend vendor store/shop manager. Experience the best WooCommerce Frontend Product Manager. Most featured Vendor Dashboard for Dokan, WC Marketplace, WC Vendors, and WooCommerce Product Vendors are the most popular woo-commerce multi-vendor marketplace plugins.
Along with WooCommerce Bookings, WooCommerce Appointments, WooCommerce Rental & Bookings System, WooCommerce Subscription, ACF, and Listings – WP Job Manager compatibility. Knowledgebase, Notification, Direct Messaging, and PDF Invoice are some of the many colorful feathers of the wings.
You are going to experience a long list of exclusive plugin compatibility, and most interestingly, all this will even work for your multi-vendor store as well. None of these plugins or any of the multi-vendor plugins has the support of these. Just relax; WCFM Ultimate will go to do all these for you.
WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager Features
WCFM Ultimate will be going to offer you some exclusive features which you will have nowhere
- Support Tick Module – each vendor will have their own store wise tickets
- Bulk Stock Manager – now manage your all products stock at a single click
- Shipping Tracking
- Message Board – even work as a vendor-admin chat board
- WCFM – WPML integration – create translated product live from site front-end
- Products for Listings – now create products and listings at the same time
- Vendor Verification – Verify your vendors
- Custom Badges – Create and assign any custom badges to your vendors
Advance Order Options
- Store wise invoice to the customer
- Order PDF invoice download (Admin & Vendor)
- PDF packing slip download
- Shipment Tracking
- Mark order as Shipped (by Vendor)
- Order status update
- Filter orders by date and commission status
- Order Note manage
- Orders export as PDF, Excel, and print
Advance Booking Options
- Booking Calendar
- Availability rules manage
- Pricing rules manage
- Person types
- Resource manage
- Manual Booking
- Manage bookings & mark as confirmed
Advance Report Options
- Sales report by product
- Coupon usage
- Low stock product
- Order filter by date and commission status
- Export as CSV
- Custom date filter
Miscellaneous Options
- Direct messaging system
- Vacation Mode
- Product-wise commission manage
- Screen Manager
- Coupon usage and user limit manage
- Product, Order, Bookings filter by status
- Product, Coupon, Order delete
- Product catalog mode
- Product Quick manager
- Advanced Capability Controller
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